If you have been around in the music or fitness world very much, you have probably heard about "body mapping." I have heard of this tool many times and in different ways for years. It is similar to other disciplines like Physio Synthesis, Pilates, Alexander Technique, Feldencrais in the sense that it is a way to align the body and get things working well.
The thing about body mapping is that every article I have read doesn't really give me an understanding of what it is or how it can help me….until now. I got lucky enough to listen in to a webinar on arm and shoulder pain for flutists and violinists presented by Lea Pearson. I learned sooooo much!
I won't try to share what I learned, because that would not be a service to you. Instead I offer a link to Lea's website and hope you will go there and learn something valuable.
So here it is, check it out:
Click HERE for Lea's website.
Click HERE to share your discoveries on my facebook page.